Snake Boss Season 2
Imagine, you get in your car, you turn the key but there’s a hissing noise coming from under the hood.
And it’s NOT the radiator.
You lift the hood to reveal... two enormous carpet pythons making out. S-s-s-snakes! They seem to be springing up everywhere in Brisbane of late but there’s no need to panic: the River City unofficially has the most snake catchers in the world. Snake Sheila follows two of these suburban saviours (‘Snake Sheila Julia’ and her Scottish bloke ‘Johny Bagpipes’), over a snake season where they’re run absolutely legless.
Imagine, you get in your car, you turn the key but there’s a hissing noise coming from under the hood.
And it’s NOT the radiator.
You lift the hood to reveal... two enormous carpet pythons making out. S-s-s-snakes! They seem to be springing up everywhere in Brisbane of late but there’s no need to panic: the River City unofficially has the most snake catchers in the world. Snake Sheila follows two of these suburban saviours (‘Snake Sheila Julia’ and her Scottish bloke ‘Johny Bagpipes’), over a snake season where they’re run absolutely legless.
Just don’t hiss her off!
In a city slithering with snakes, one catcher stands taller than the rest (and that’s not just because of her heels)!
Following on from last year’s supercharged snake catching season, Julia Baker (Snake Sheila) is back in full force, chasing down some of the world’s deadliest reptiles in one of the snakiest cities on earth: Brisbane, Australia.
After a winter’s break, the former pastry chef turned snake wrangler along with her hubby, Johny Bagpipes, and adopted snake sniffin’ pooch, Bonnie Bagpipes, get set for more heartstopping reptile rescues and relocations. And snakes DO tend to end up in the most inconvenient places: from pools to bathtubs, living rooms to rooftops, kindies to offices and lofts to loos!
Some epic catches confront our tenacious Snake Sheila, and they’re not without their fair share of suffocating spaces, super high rooftops, smelly snake poo, and the occasional bite!
Still, this year Julia manages to tick off some truly big boxes on her bucket list: catch a large eastern brown, come face to face with the notorious taipan, and finally go herping (or view snakes in their natural environment) – although, herping doesn’t come without its own challenges, like a leech-infested rainforest!
But it’s not only leeches sending shivers down Julia’s spine, it’s also her two biggest phobiasheights and creepy crawlies that often get in the way of her doing her job. Unluckily for her (and perhaps luckily for the audience) there are plenty of call outs this season that are scarily high, or have snakes hiding in places covered with webs and spiders. Eek!
Johny Bagpipes has come a long way too since we first saw him wrestling a massive carpet python from a chicken coop. The diesel mechanic from the backwaters of Glasgow had two goals last season: don’t get bitten and don’t get pooped on. This season, Johny’s goals have… stayed the same, actually. Does he get to the end of this season again with “record in tact”?
Chasing Julia and dodging poo isn’t the only thing on the Glaswegian’s mind. Inspired by a moving call out, Johny gets in touch with his artistic side. He’s working on something big for the love of his life, here’s hoping she appreciates it more than the last gift he gave her (a flying lesson)!
Triumphantly returning after a near death experience in the winter, Bonnie the loveable rescue Jack Russell has recovered just in time for the snake catching season. Having been trained up as a snake detector by renowned dog instructor Barry Lowday, the pressure is on as she’s called upon for her first real test in the field. Can Bonnie put what she’s learnt to use? Or do pooch and owner have to go back to school?
This season, not only is Julia on a mission to grow her business, but also to further spread the good word that snakes are friends, not foes! Cunningly, she hatches the idea of presenting reptile awareness shows with the aim of educating the snake fearing public about reptiles and their importance to the environment. Now all she needs to do is add to her already eclectic scaly family…
Season two raises the snakes…er…stakes, with jam-packed episodes s-s-s-s-izzling with rooftop python tug of wars, run away deadly browns, lightning fast whip snakes, hysterical homeowners and even a few dangerous ducks! With many surprises around every twist and turn- you’ll be holding on tighter than a strangling python!